16 November 2023

Insights on emissions reduction and removals, in line with science
Net zero is a step change for our economy and society. In this context, companies can play an active role. Our latest whitepaper, “Getting Your Company Ready for Net Zero,” delves into the critical aspects of this journey.
This comprehensive report will help you gain valuable insights to steer your company toward a sustainable and credible Net Zero future.
Download the whitepaper
This whitepaper summarises the main highlights of the CLIMACT Insights webinar held on Wednesday 21st of June 2023.
Watch the full replay of the webinar

The whitepaper aims to:
- Clarify the concepts of net zero, carbon dioxide removals and offset.
- Enable companies to understand the implications and benefits of implementing a net-zero strategy.
- Demystify the process and provide guidance on how to define a credible net zero strategy in line with science and ambitious goals.