Strategy Consulting
Empowering you to act on climate change and energy transition
What are the possible scenarios to achieve net-zero carbon emissions?
What policies and measures should be put in place?
What are the risks and opportunities of this transition for your organisation?
What is the carbon footprint of your organisation and how can you reduce it?
How can this be achieved in a credible way?
How much does it cost and what is the return on investment ?
CLIMACT provides strategic support to public authorities and private organisations to facilitate decisions and answer these questions in an objective and robust way for credible and sustainable action.
How we can help

A robust five-stages process
To empower you to act on climate change

Understanding the challenges
We inform you of the latest developments in climate science, related legislation and methodologies in order to have a clear understanding of the opportunities and risks for your business.
We organize participative workshops tailored to your audience, contribute to panels and give conferences.

Measuring and modelling impact
We apply the Bilan Carbone ®, GHG Protocol and ISO standards to calculate your carbon footprint and energy balances, without ignoring the complex but essential indirect emissions.
We also develop robust models and tools to simulate the evolution of low-carbon scenarios.

Set a Vision and Plan
With your teams, we contribute to develop your climate and energy strategy. We combine our understanding of your business and our analytical rigor to elaborate together a sound climate and energy vision.
This can be achieved with the support of our roadmaps scenarios, our web-based calculators, by integrating the circular economy principles into your supply chain, or by developing Science Based Targets.

Set Up improvements
With the design and proposition of a concrete implementation plan, we help you clarifying priorities and realistic actions to implement. We make sure that the organisation can take ownership of it and concretely implement it.

Inspire your stakeholders
Communication allows the strategy to be appropriated by all your stakeholders, internally and externally.
With conclusions to maximize impact and compliant with appropriate reporting (CSRD, CSDDD, EU Taxonomy, GRI, CDP, SBT, ISO).
Why should you work with us?
Climact offers you the recognized expertise of a dedicated and motivated team to improve your climate impact with concrete scenarios and strategies, based on robust analytical tools and methodologies.
They trust us