Introducing our latest tool: the European City Calculator!
23 January 2024
European City Calculator (EU City Calculator) is a platform that enables cities to simulate and share their climate and energy transition scenarios. It is designed to help cities draw up their decarbonization roadmap. It is an open-source web-based modeling tool that provides cities with an overall and sectoral view of the consequences of various decarbonization measures.
EUCityCalc supports cities in leading the transition towards climate neutrality bringing together a broad range of cities in different stages in their transition, but united in the effort to reach climate neutrality.
Meeting the objectives of the Paris Agreement and ensuring that Europe becomes the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, requires European cities to be in the driving seat of the climate transition. The climate crisis has already triggered many European cities to declare a climate emergency and take ambitious climate action. Their contribution to the European Green Deal is also essential to strengthen the European efforts towards climate neutrality by 2050.
The web tool is designed to help cities in their decision-making and implementation of their climate strategy, by allowing cities to visualizeand simulate low-carbon scenarios. It provides an easy-to-use interface enabling city administrations and other stakeholders to assess the implications and trade-offs related to the implementation of mitigation measures.
Why use this tool ?
Guide decision makers in their selection of the most suited transition scenario
Improve public-private coordination and shared governance
Include the highest percentage of the population in the climate neutrality transition
Share and gather data to facilitate the territorial analysis
With the EU City Calculator at its core, the EUCityCalc project aims at supporting 10 pilot cities (Žďár nad Sázavou, Dijon Metropole, Mantoue, Koprivnica, Virovitica, Varazdin, Riga, Palmela, Sesimbra and Setùbal ) in leading the transition towards climate neutrality, developing scientifically robust, detailed and actionable policy scenarios and transition pathways.
“The web tool enables cities to assess, interactively, how the transition policy measures envisaged are translating into GHG emission reductions and to what extent they are in line with the city’s climate protection objectives.” – Vincent Matton, Energy and Climate Change Consultant, Climact
The webtool is designed to facilitate consultation with a broad (technical and non-technical) audience. Implementing all energy-relevant sectors under the same framework, everything is built to help expert and non-expert to adopt and use the tool.
Since the webtool is a simulation model, it allows to investigate the full option space for climate mitigation. It allows to integrate transformative change associated with innovation and changes in human behaviour.
Do you want to take part of the journey? Register to our learning programme to use the tool for your city! HERE.