In the context of its ambitious sustainability strategy, LIDL Belgium & Luxembourg wanted to set science-based climate targets covering its entire carbon footprint scope and engage its suppliers to reduce the climate impact of the supply chain.
CLIMACT analysed the purchased goods supply chain to identify and select the suppliers to engage in a GHG emissions reduction program until 2030. We defined the reduction targets both in line with science and reachable, led the SBTi accreditation process, developed tools for the suppliers and guided key suppliers towards climate action.
The supply chain emissions hotspots and drivers are highlighted as well as top product categories, key suppliers and main action levers. Thanks to its science-based targets LIDL BE&LU is now recognized as a climate frontrunner in the Belgian retail sector. Lidl BE&LU now started an ambitious, yet pragmatic suppliers engagement program to 2030.A first set of key suppliers measured their footprint and identified win-win reduction opportunities.